Maintaining Fire Extinguishers

All our fire extinguisher servicing & maintenance is carried out according to BS5306 pt3 & pt8 by fully qualified service technicians. All our technicians are BAFE approved and third party assessed according to BAFE SP101.

We charge for fire extinguisher servicing on a fully inclusive basis saving you money and also allowing you to budget accurately year on year. We do not charge for any ancillary service parts required to complete the service, nor do we charge for certification or service labelling, these are all included as standard.

Fire extinguisher asset lists are also included free of charge for all of our customers, along with a full breakdown of up-coming extended servicing dates which are invaluable in assisting you with your budget planning for future years. Clients also have access to our secure online portal where all documents will be stored for easy immediate access.

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Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

We also carry out extended fire extinguisher servicing for our clients. Many fire companies will claim that extinguishers need to be replaced with new every five years, this is not the case. The lifespan of a fire extinguisher is much longer than this provided that they are regularly serviced and extended servicing is carried out at the correct intervals. By not un-necessarily replacing units every five years and keeping your existing extinguishers in service you could shave hundreds or even thousands of pounds off your budget.

We pride ourselves on providing a courteous and polite service, both skilled and unobtrusive. We believe that communication is the key to strong and long lasting working relationships and to this end all our technicians are extremely approachable and always more than happy to discuss with you the outcome of the extinguisher servicing as well as fully explaining the reason for any recommendations they may make.

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Integrity and honesty are values that are paramount to us as a company and therefore, it is extremely important that our technicians are not sales people, they are not paid commission for any recommendations they may make to you. This has been our policy from the very beginning and is one that we will continue to maintain as we know that this refreshingly open, honest approach is the very reason our client satisfaction and customer retention is so consistently high.

Get a FREE quote now to find out how we can help you and your business.

Frequently asked questions

In some instances a fire extinguisher will fail the annual inspection, this can be down to several reasons but the most common are damage or corrosion. If the extinguisher is not safe to be kept in service our technician will let you know, explain the reason for condemning the unit and suggest corrective action in order to maintain coverage of your fire risks.

If you would like us to environmentally dispose of the condemned unit for you we make a small charge to do this and will take the fire extinguisher away to be properly disposed of or recycled in accordance with our environmental policy.

While there is no guidance set out in the Fire Safety Order 2005, apart from needing to be conducted by a “competent person”, it is highly recommended that extinguisher servicing be carried out by a certified extinguisher technician or an accredited, suitably qualified engineer.

Yes, fire extinguishers are a form of fire fighting equipment, along with fire alarm systems, smoke detectors, blankets, and other general fire equipment.

There are many aspects carried out during fire extinguisher services, including but not limited to; Visual inspections, removing the hose and checking threads, inspection of the hose for cracks or splits, and checking the condition of the discharge horn and extinguisher body. The valve opening needs to be inspected for powder or any foreign matter. The extinguisher seal and safety pin need to be removed and the upper and lower handles checked, then the locking pin replaced and extinguisher resealed.

The pressure gauge will be checked, and that the extinguisher is within the correct pressure range. Any O rings that have deteriorated will be replaced. The engineer will visually inspect safety pins and anti tamper seals, and replace where necessary. All maintenance work is carried out according to best practices and the manufacturer’s operating instructions.

Yes. According to the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order (2005) and the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the associated Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 there is a legal responsibility that all fire extinguishers must be maintained annually.

You can find more about this legislation here:

Fire extinguishers and Fire Blankets should be properly serviced once per year. It is the duty of the responsible person to ensure that extinguishers are maintained regularly by a competent person.
Portable fire extinguishers are regarded as “life safety equipment” and a planned system of maintenance is intended to ensure that the fire equipment is:

  • in an efficient working state (safe)
  • in working order (reliable)
  • in good repair (efficient)
  • suitable for the hazard (fit for purpose)

Throughout the year, at least once per month, you should also carry out your own in-house visual inspection of all fire safety equipment as part of your routine checks, any defects should be reported and the extinguisher / blanket should be checked at that point to keep it in service.

Extended fire extinguisher servicing should also be carried out by a competent person at the following intervals:

  • Water Fire Extinguishers – Every 5 years
  • Foam Fire Extinguishers – Every 5 years
  • Powder Fire Extinguishers – Every 5 years
  • CO2 Fire Extinguishers – Every 10 years

No, this is not true.

The lifespan of a fire extinguisher is much greater than this. Regular annual maintenance, including an extended service at 5 years and 10 years will keep your extinguishers in working order longer and could save you hundreds or thousands of pounds by not replacing them un-necessarily.

Yes, all fire extinguishers within your building should be located on ‘fire points’ complete with instructional signage depicting the type of fire extinguisher and what kinds of fire it is safe for use on. During your annual service visit our technician will check that all signage is in place and correctly located.

Book your fire extinguisher maintenance today!

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